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Fundraising and sponsorship

Events that create value for Club Sponsors

Creating Events that Showcase Your Sponsors When looking to create value for Sponsors, a great idea is to create events and activities that promote your sponsor’s products and services. This is an incredibly valuable opportunity for potential sponsors as it gives them...

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Ways to create value for Club Sponsors online

Club Websites The websites of many local sports clubs have absolutely massive audiences and most clubs don’t even know it. Clubs have a huge amount of information that their audience is constantly seeking, driving them to the clubs website time and time again,...

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Proving your value to Sponsors

The benefits for businesses that choose to sponsor sporting clubs aren’t always clear. There is some useful information to be aware of when approaching potential sponsors or when looking to renew and hopefully expand sponsorship agreements. We know from research are...

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Sponsorship Do’s and Don’ts

Here are six Sponsorship dos and don’ts to help with developing your sponsorship program. Identifying Different Groups Within Your Audience To ensure your sponsors’ messages reach your audience effectively it is important to consider the different groups within your...

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Why Clubs seek Sponsors?

Why do clubs dedicate even one minute in the pursuit of sponsors? After all, the scarcest resource a club has is its volunteers, so why dedicate their time to something that has nothing to do with the sport you play and love? The answer is generally that sponsorship...

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What NOT to do when seeking Sponsors

What NOT to do Most clubs approach sponsorship in the same “traditional” manner. Generally they will appoint one or maybe two people to be responsible for retaining existing club sponsors while seeking to continually attract new sponsors to the club. Some clubs may...

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Improving what we have traditionally done

Well, to be balanced, cold calling with sponsorship packages does work and has worked for generations. There are thousands of clubs around the country who have large numbers of sponsors providing amazing financial support. Although this is absolutely true, at what...

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How to best approach Sponsors?

In order to build long term relationships with sponsors, it is important for clubs to understand what the sponsoring business wants from the club or why businesses sponsor local clubs in the first place. Generally there are four reasons a local business will sponsor...

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