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Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

Creating a great and easily accessible Sponsorship Proposal is imperative for members to be able to approach potential sponsors on behalf of your club.  Once you have created your sponsorship proposal document, save it to the club website so that members can easily...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

Proving your value to Sponsors

The benefits for businesses that choose to sponsor sporting clubs aren’t always clear. There is some useful information to be aware of when approaching potential sponsors or when looking to renew and hopefully expand sponsorship agreements. We know from research are...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

Sponsorship Do’s and Don’ts

Here are six Sponsorship dos and don’ts to help with developing your sponsorship program. Identifying Different Groups Within Your Audience To ensure your sponsors’ messages reach your audience effectively it is important to consider the different groups within your...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

Building relationships with Sponsors

Relationships are the Key If the potential sponsor had been offered a comparatively low value sponsorship, even $50 or $100 then they are a lot more likely to accept initially. This then gives your club the opportunity to engage the sponsor over time at club functions...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

How to value sponsorship packages?

Of all the questions we get asked at Sports Community, the question most asked is: “How do we value sponsorship packages?” Traditionally, sponsors of local sports clubs generally don’t seek to receive real commercial value from their sponsorship other than the...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

Factors that create sponsorship value

From our experience, we believe there are five components that come into play when seeking to value sponsorship packages: What are sponsors willing to pay? How big is your club’s audience?  (Including participants in club activities, followers on social media, club...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

What are sponsors willing to pay?

What are they willing to pay? Regardless of what you are selling, the biggest determinant is what the buyer is actually willing to pay. This creates an enormous challenge for clubs and particularly inexperienced Sponsorship Co-ordinators because they simply don’t know...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

Engaging with your club’s audience

What is Your Club’s Ability to Engage With its Audience? It is one thing to have an “audience” but one of the key factors in determining sponsorship value is your club’s ability to engage with its audience. From a sponsors perspective this is the club’s ability to...

Creating the perfect sponsorship proposal

How to influence the behaviour of your audience?

What Is Your Club’s Ability to Influence the Behaviour of Its Audience? Now we are getting to the real crux of how to value your sponsorship packages. What is your club’s ability to influence the behaviour of its audience? Or put another way, facilitate the sales of...