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New South Wales

Regional Event Fund – Event Development stream

Regional Event Fund – Event Development stream

Applications Close: Ongoing The Regional Event Fund's Event Development stream is currently open, offering grants of up to $50,000 to support the strategic growth of mature events in regional NSW, aiming to increase overnight visitation and deliver long-term benefits...

Child protection

Child protection

NSW - Working with children check A Working With Children Check is a requirement for people who work or volunteer in child-related work. It involves a national criminal history check and a review of findings of workplace misconduct. General Information The NSW...

Food safety

Food safety

Unfortunately, there is currently no national standard for administering food safely in Australia. There are different requirements in each state and territory of Australia relating to organisations seeking to raise funds through the selling of food.   Local council...



Community sports clubs are forever undertaking fundraising activities, continually seeking new and preferably easy ways to raise funds. Few clubs realise that many fundraising activities, such as raffles or even footy tipping, may require permits, follow specific...

Incorporated associations

Incorporated associations

NSW Associations Incorporations Act 2009 Most community local sporting clubs are established as incorporated associations. In New South Wales, incorporated associations are governed under the Associated Incorporations Act 2009. The NSW Office of Fair Trading oversees...



Many sports clubs sell alcohol, either as part of their fundraising strategy or simply as part of the social fabric of the club.  If you sell alcohol, regardless if it's for one event, or on a regular basis, then it is important that your club applies for and receives...