Community sports clubs are forever undertaking fundraising activities, continually seeking new and preferably easy ways to raise funds. Few clubs realise that many fundraising activities, such as raffles or even footy tipping, may require permits, follow specific procedures and even undertake reporting specific to a given fundraising activity.
In New South Wales, fundraising activities are overseen by Liquor and Gaming NSW, which is part of the NSW Department of Justice.
This section of the Liquor and Gaming NSW website provides information and factsheets on many different fundraising activities including:
- Art unions
- Card jackpot games
- Charity housie
- Chocolate wheels
- Club bingo
- Football doubles
- Gaming nights (casino nights)
- Gratuitous lotteries
- Guessing competitions
- Lucky envelopes
- Mini-numbers
- No-draw lotteries
- Progressive lotteries
- Promotional raffles
- Raffles (fundraising)
- Social housie
- Sweeps and calcuttas
- Tipping competitions
- Trade promotions
For further information
If you require further information relating to running fundraising activities in New South Wales for your club contact the Liquor and Gaming NSW on either:
- Telephone: 1300 024 720
- email: