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14 Feb 2024

In Queensland, the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) regulates liquor licence and permit applications.
A liquor licence states where and when you are allowed to serve alcohol. Different licence types are available to suit different businesses or community organisations. Fees and legal obligations for liquor licences vary, depending on the type of business and licence.

The QLGR has a comprehensive website with all the information a club needs to ensure they comply with obligations.  This website can be accessed here


Things to consider before applying – sporting and community club
Before applying for a liquor licence, there are a few things you need to consider, including licence requirements.

The licence required will depend on your situation. The different types of licences for a sporting or community club are outlined and further information can be found here

Licence application kits
To assist clubs in making their liquor licensing application the OLGR website also has an application kit section to help clubs work out the correct licence for their circumstances.  Click here for the application kit


Community club licence
This licence may only be granted to a non-proprietary club such as a sporting club, RSL club or ethnic club. The Liquor Act 1992 defines a non-proprietary club as an association where any income, profits and assets are used only to promote its objects, and are not distributed to its members.

Liquor licensing fees and charges
Fees are charged when making an application for a liquor licence, and annually thereafter.
The time taken to process an application will vary depending on a range of factors including the complexity of the application and any objections which may be raised.
A full list of fees and charges can be found here

Requirement to display liquor licence
Once your application for a liquor licence is approved you will be issued with a document containing the following information:
premises name and number
licensee name
address of the premises
licensed area description
permitted trading hours
trading conditions.
You must keep this licence document on the licensed premises and – if requested – make it available to any Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) compliance officer or police officer who inspects your premises. If your licence document is destroyed or misplaced, you must apply for a replacement licence and pay the relevant fee.
More information can be found here

Responsible service of alcohol (RSA) training
In many instances, volunteers serving or supplying alcohol are not required to hold a current RSA training certificate if performing duties under one of the following licence categories:
community club licence
community other licence
community liquor permit
restricted liquor permit.
In this instance, however, the licensee or permit holder must ensure a person with current RSA training is available to supervise the volunteers.
To find out if this exemption applies to your club, please click here

RSA training register
Licensees are not required to keep an RSA training register; however, they are still required to:
keep copies of current training course certificates or statements of attainment for staff
make copies available at the premises for inspection by:
o an Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) compliance officer
o members of the Queensland Police Service.


Further information
If you require further information about OLGR please contact them on:
13 QGOV (13 74 68)