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What is an Annual General Meeting and why do they need to be held?

14 Feb 2024

An annual general meeting (AGM) is a meeting of all the members of an incorporated association, which must be held once during each calendar year. The general meeting must be convened in accordance with law (the incorporated associations act of your state or territory) and, also, using the procedures in the club’s rules.

Procedures for carrying out a general meeting of an incorporated association vary between clubs and also state to state.

However, the law sets out mandatory minimum rules for giving of notice and conducting a general meeting.

An association must hold its first AGM within 18 months of becoming incorporated.

Also, all subsequent general meetings must be held within a prescribed period after the end of the association’s financial year.

The association must hold its annual general meeting after its financial year ends, in order to allow for the association’s financial statements for that year to be presented to members.

Each association member who is entitled to vote must be:

  • Notified of the date, time and place of the general meeting in the manner specified in the association’s rule.
  • Also, given a proxy form, if the rules allow for proxy voting and there is a standard form. 

The purpose of an AGM is to

    1. Comply with legislative requirements
    2. Present the financial accounts to the members
    3. Report to the members on the activities of the club
    4. Ensure committee rotation happens in an orderly manner
    5. Consider and vote on rule changes and recommendations
    6. Consider any other topics as required by the club rules
    7. Appointment of an auditor (if required)
    8. Provides the members the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the committee

Your club rules in conjunction with your incorporations act tell you:

    1. When the AGM must be held by
    2. Topics to be included in the AGM (AGM proceedings)
    3. Financial information to be prepared and presented
    4. Who can attend and vote at the AGM
    5. Notification requirements and procedures
    6. Proxy voting procedures
    7. When to use special and general resolutions
    8. Voting and polling procedures