Need help growing your club's social media? Here are 5 easy hacks to help your club tell its story and reach its potential! 1: Everybody loves a good story Storytelling is the ultimate key to social media success. By telling a story, you build a sense of belonging and...
Information for Communications Co-ordinators
Facebook describes itself as “a popular, free online social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, invite and accept others into their network, upload photos and video, send messages and instantly contact family, friends and colleagues”...
Twitter describes itself as: “an information network made up of 140-character messages called Tweets. It's an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about.” Because Twitter only allows 140 characters per post this means they are ideal for...
When clubs should use Facebook and Twitter
While the benefits of Twitter in many instances are similar to Facebook, Twitter can also be used in ways simply not possible on Facebook. Because the whole concept of Twitter is short and sharp bursts of news or information, it is perfect for continually updating...
Email newsletter content
Like your club website, your email newsletter content should be a combination of: What your audience what to see, hear or read about What are the goals of the club that are currently being focused on? In marketing terms a common rule is to have 90% of your email...
Harnessing the power of social media
Let’s get straight to the point with a very simple question: what is social media? There are two parts to the answer. Firstly, social media is all about communicating via the internet. Whether it be via desktop computer, laptop, tablet or, predominantly these days,...
Email newsletters
A website, no matter how well constructed, maintained and updated, is a static resource. It only creates value when people actually visit it. The email newsletter is the complete opposite. Clubs can use email newsletters to broadcast information to its audience on a...
Club stakeholders
One very important point to consider is to understand exactly who is your club’s audience. Typically, clubs underestimate the huge number of relationships they need to be truly successful. While clubs are generally relatively strong at communicating with its current...
Unleashing the amazing power of your club’s website and email newsletter
So many sports clubs have their own website but are unsure why they have it or how they can best use it to their advantage. Very few clubs actually have a regular email newsletter yet it is the most powerful and most effective way of building and maintaining...
Creating a great club website
Before we look at what how you should set up your club’s homepage let’s have a look at the huge variety of information and functionality that could exist on your club’s website. To make it easier we have created a “Website content and functionality checklist” that...