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Making it EASY to be a Successful Secretary

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Sports Community founder, Steve Pallas, hosts a series of 6 self-paced online training sessions that provide a step-by-step guide on the simplest, easiest and most enjoyable way to become a successful Secretary. This series of successful Secretary training is entirely digital and comes with a comprehensive workbook.

Secretaries need help and support

Over the last six years we have travelled around Australia from Nhulunbuy in NT to the Kimberleys in WA, Mt Isa in QLD to Warrnambool in Victoria and everywhere in between helping and supporting sports club Treasurers.

During our travels we have learned:

  • Very few Secretaries are given any training or induction when they take the job
  • Most clubs have almost no policies or procedures to guide new Secretaries
  • Secretaries, new and old, find they have little or no support and as a result suffer a lot of stress, anxiety and pressure
  • Secretaries burn out and often find themselves looking forward to the end of the season rather than enjoying it. (Burn out often commences before the season starts.)
  • Many Secretaries feel let down by the lack of support and leave the job slightly bitter with a tainted view of clubs and volunteering
  • Successful Secretaries training opportunities are lacking

Sports Community created the online training series “Making it easy to be a successful Secretary” to empower sports club Secretaries to eliminate these negative experiences and empower you to lead your club effectively. And most importantly, to allow you to enjoy your time in the role.

New, experienced and those thinking of becoming a club Secretary

Our 6-part training series is perfect for:

  1. Secretaries new to the role
  2. Experienced Secretaries who are looking for ways to make the role easier
  3. People considering or about to become Secretaries
  4. Anybody on a committee or about to join a club committee

Time is the scarcest asset of a sports club Secretary, so why would they spend a second on this course?

Simply because it has been designed to save them huge amounts of time, stress and frustration.

Successful clubs share a common trait. They have created a culture of volunteering where club members make themselves available to help out. And while you will learn many new skills during our successful treasurer training series, the core outcome will be that we will show you step by step, how to create a culture of volunteering at your club.

That’s right, we will show you, one step at a time, how to get everybody in your club helping and contributing to the running of the club and its long-term success, year after year after year. And best of all, you can view your training videos at a time that suits you.

What do you get when you join the “Making it easy to be a Successful Secretary ” 6-part training course?

First and foremost, you get the 6-part, step-by-step training program that includes the following sessions:

1. Responsibilites of a Club Secretary
2. So now you are Secretary, where do you start?
3. Recruiting and Empowering Volunteers
4. Creating Passionate Supporters
5. How to Run Effective Committee Meetings
6. How to Run an Effective Annual General Meeting

Secondly, you receive a comprehensive workbook filled with exercises and notes created to help you implement the changes you need to ensure your club’s financial health is in the best position it can be.

And you also get access to a private networking and support group.

To ensure we support you all the way through the journey, we have created a private Facebook Group for course attendees, so they can ask questions directly to both Steve, your course facilitator, and to other participants in the training program.  This Facebook community will become a great networking resource for you during and long after you finish the training course.

You will also get regular Sports Community newsletters providing you with the latest club information, news, fundraising ideas, and resources, all of which will make your role of Treasurer easier and more enjoyable.