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Sports Community livestreams everyday and resources to help YOU!

24 Mar 2020

So, sport has stopped in the short term.  What does this mean for clubs?

People are being asked, and potentially compelled to stay at home? 

Believe it or not this is a huge opportunity for clubs and volunteers.  With no sport to take our focus, energies and time, the world today provides clubs a rare opportunity to truly think about the future and plan how they will get there.

This break also gives clubs the opportunity to invest in and train their volunteers, especially those key club leaders including Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and committee members, as well as the next generation of committee members.

Facebook Livestream Q+A every day at 11.00am answering your questions:

Every day at 11.00am AEST, we hold a Facebook Livestream Q+A session. 

These sessions are for you to ask any question that relates to your club, so please send me your questions via reply email, at stevep@sportscommunity.com.au or via the Sports Community Facebook page. 

If you do not follow the Sports Community Facebook Page, I encourage you to do so now (Join the Sports Community on FB) so you can join this amazing community!

Helping each other:

We simply would not be in business today, continuing to support clubs and volunteers, if it wasn’t for those clubs and individuals who have become Sports Community members over the last 3 years.  From the bottom of my heart I thank you for your support. If you or your club can become Sports Community members, that would be amazing! It would also give your committee access to all our online training courses and resources, which they can use to Plan. Prepare. Proceed.

Click here to check out our memberships!

See you in the webinars or in the FB Live stream each day at 11.00am!

Steve Pallas

Chief Executive Officer

Sports Community