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Child protection

14 Feb 2024

The Working With Children Act 2005 (‘the Act’) commenced in April 2006. The Check is one of the safety measures Victorian clubs and organisations need to put in place to protect children from sexual and physical harm.

The Act:

  • defines child-related work
  • establishes a framework to screen, monitor and assess the criminal records and the professional conduct of people who intend to work with children
  • lists the offences applicants are screened for
  • enables the department to rule that a person who fails the Check is prohibited from working with children 
  • lists the people exempt from the Check like teachers registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), as their criminal records and professional conduct are screened by VIT.

The protection of children is the paramount consideration for any decision made under the Act.


Working with children – general information

The Victorian government  has created an easy to use website which provides important information for organisations and clubs who provide activities for children and vulnerable people.  The Victorian Working With Children website be accessed by clicking here 

What do the working with children obligations mean for clubs?

The Victorian State Government have created a great resource for clubs to determine exactly how how the working with children legislation relates to sports clubs.

Head to their webpage to find out more.


Who needs a working with children Check?

Not everyone who has contact with children needs a Working with Children Check (Check).

Under the Working with Children Act 2005 (‘the Act’), only people who are doing child-related work and who are not exempt need a Check. This applies to both paid and volunteer workers.

The Victorian Government has developed an online test to help you determine whether you are working or volunteering in a regulated activity and whether you will be required to be registered.


How do I apply for WWCC?

To apply for a WWCC registration card follow these three easy steps.

  1. Complete an online application for WWCC registration https://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/1804/~/working-with-vulnerable-people-(wwvp)-registration#!tabs-3
  2. Attend your local Australia Post Office to verify your identity and have your photo taken.
  3. Receive your WWCC registration card by post after the department has assessed your application.

There is no registration cost to volunteers unless they are also employed in another service that is considered to be a regulated activity. A registration fee is charged if you are intending to do paid work with vulnerable people.

If you have registered for another purpose previously you can use your current WWCC registration card for any regulated activity.

If you do paid work or volunteer in junior or disability sports in the VIC you:

  • must hold a current WWCC registration card;
  • must carry your card at all times when involved in a regulated activity;
  • must produce your card when asked by an authorised person or police; and,
  • should produce your card when asked by parents and carers.


How do I check if someone has a WWCC card?

When a member /volunteer is required  to work with juniors, they must hold a WWCC. The club secretary should request a copy be provided  and stored on the premise. WWCC  status can also be checked online here


Further information

If you need more information about ensuring your club meets its Working with Children obligations contact the Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation by either:

Their customer support Line 1300 652 879

or email workingwithchildren@justice.vic.gov.au